Emergency Department

“SANE” Program for Sexual Assault

ceritified-sexual-assault-nurse-examinationThe Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Exam is a specialized examination done by Certified Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners pursuant to Texas Government Code using an evidence collection kit and protocol approved by the Office of the Attorney General.

This exam encompasses the care and treatment of a patient who presents following a sexual assault, and includes a medical history for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment, head-to-toe examination to assess for trauma, detailed anogenital examination to assess for trauma, and collection of forensic evidence as indicated by history and findings.

Serving Kerr, Gillespie, Bandera, Kendall, Kimble counties and more.

Sexual Assault Exam Terms to Know

Non-Acute: Scheduled exams in which the assault/abuse of a child happen outside of the 120-hour window. Exam includes STI testing and photographs.

Acute: A physical exam, also known as a rape kit used to collect and preserve DNA evidence. Patients receive medical care after an assault. The exam includes body swabs, photographs of injuries, preventative treatment for STIs, and emergency contraception. Must be conducted within 120 hours from the incident.

Evidence Collection: Samples are collected from the survivor’s mouth, vagina or penis, rectum, fingernails, and other parts of the body that the perpetrator touched during the assault.

Mandated Reporters: Professionals who have an individual responsibility to report known or suspected abuse or neglect relating to children, elders, or dependent adults.

Non-Report: An exam that can provide the survivor with extra time to decide if they want to report the assault to the authorities. The evidence is collected and stored at the crime lab for 5 years.

For more information and resources, call Peterson Health Emergency Department at 830.258.7747.

Sexual Assault Resources

Advocate Hill Country Crisis Council: 888.621.0047

Kids Advocacy Place: 830.895.4527

Immunizations/Medications Health Department: 830.896.5515

Law Enforcement

Kerrville Police Department: 830.257.8181

Kerr County Sheriff Office: 830.896.1216

Ingram Police Department: 830.367.2636

Gillespie County Sheriff/Police Department: 830.997.7585

Bandera County Sheriff Office: 830.796.4323

Boerne Police Department: 830.249.8645

Kendall County: 830.249.9721

Junction Police Department: 325.446.2913

Kimble County: 325.446.2766

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What patients say about Peterson Health

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