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Case of COVID Delta Variant Confirmed in Kerrville

Community Encouraged to Get the COVID Vaccine

Although Kerr County has witnessed a decline in positive COVID-19 cases over the past few months, today, July 2nd, Peterson Health is confirming a patient with a first-known case of the Delta variant.

According to the CDC, there are four (4) notable variants in the United States: Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta. These variants seem to spread more easily and quickly than COVID-19 and the symptoms tend to be more severe. The first case of the Delta variant was detected in the United States in March 2021. This is the first confirmed case in Kerr County.

People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus and include fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea. This list does not include all possible symptoms. CDC will continue to update this list if symptoms change.

Older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or require testing, call Peterson Urgent Care at 830-258-7669. Testing is available by appointment at their new location, 130 W. Main Street in Kerrville Monday – Friday from 7am-7pm and from 8am-4pm on weekends. (Of note, Peterson Urgent Care will be closed this Sunday, July 4th.)  

Because studies have shown that current COVID-19 vaccines work on the circulating variants, Peterson Health encourages people who have not yet received a COVID-19 vaccine to get vaccinated. Vaccines are available at local pharmacies in Kerr County.

Pam Burton, Infection Prevention RN for Peterson Health and the COVID-19 subject matter expert recommends that the community continue to follow CDC guidelines, especially during the 4th of July holiday weekend and throughout the busy summer. “We have made such headway in reducing the number of positive COVID cases. Now is not the time to let our guards down. Please continue the following, even if you have received a COVID vaccine:

  • Practice social distancing.
  • Avoid contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol based hand sanitizer.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Don’t go to work if you are sick.
  • Continue to wear face coverings.

Following these recommendations will reduce the spread of COVID, to included identified variants.”

For more information on COVID -19 and the identified variants, visit

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