News Center


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                             CONTACT: Lisa Winters

April 15, 2020                                                                         830-258-7628



 Kerrville, TX – Today, Wednesday, April 15th, Peterson Regional Medical Center announces the fourth Kerr County positive case of COVID-19.

The case is the result of an exposure to a known positive case due to travel history. The patient was screened and tested at Peterson Health’s Outreach Clinic located at the Hill Country Youth Events Center. This patient has been self-isolating for the past several days in anticipation of becoming symptomatic and in an effort not to expose the community.

Cory Edmondson, President and CEO of Peterson Health states, “We will need the community’s full support and cooperation as the situation grows. We are committed to keeping our healthcare partners and public informed of Kerr County COVID-19 activity and to keeping our community and employees safe and well at all times. We cannot emphasize enough the importance of continuing, if not elevating, our standard precautions, as recommended by the CDC and TDSHS as follows:

  • Practice social
  • Avoid contact with people who are
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20
  • If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol based hand
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and
  • Don’t go to work if you are

We want to emphasize to the community the importance of social distancing and limiting all unnecessary travel in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19.”

If you have question about COVID-19, are experiencing any symptoms related to COVID-19 to include fever, cough, or shortness of breath, or need information about our new drive-in screening clinic, call our COVID-19 hotline at (830) 896-4200 and select Option 1.

As cases are expected to continue, Peterson Health will further update the public on their website, New updates and reported positive cases will be offered on the audio medical minute through Pam Burton, Infection Prevention, RN.

For more information and updates on Peterson’s preparedness, contact any of the following personnel: Infection Prevention – Pam Burton, R.N., (830) 258-7448; Communications – Lisa Winters, Director of Marketing and Community Relations (830)258-7628



What patients say about Peterson Health

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